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Brussels, 15/09/2023

STARS Final Event

Final event of the STARS project will be held in Brussels, on September 26th 2023, in the Committee of Regions.

The main objective of the event is to convey policy recommendations to European, national and regional decision makers based on the valuable findings and results of two significant COSME pilot projects: ‘STARS’ and ‘ReStartSMEs’. These landmark initiatives were launched as part of the Recovery Package to strengthen the European economy and promote green and digital transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Especially after the challenges posed by the Covid 19 pandemic, these projects played a critical role in helping SMEs adapt to the post-pandemic economic environment. By introducing advanced technologies, “STARS” and “ReStartSMEs” were instrumental in helping companies successfully retool. Our event brings together leaders and experts from various fields to discuss lessons learned and set the course for a sustainable and innovative future for the European economy.

Interested parties may register for the event on the following link