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, 17/12/2021

International projects in which the RCSEE is involved

S-ACCESS project

S-ACCESS is a project that aims to prepare and support European small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in public procurement processes in non-European markets. Three markets were selected as targets – the United States, Canada and Norway. The project is currently in the preparatory phase, during which market research is conducted, their specifics, main actors, bidders, as well as rules and frequent requirements in public procurement processes are identified.

Cluster members who are interested in accessing these markets will be able to join this project later.


STARS project

STARS is the second project in a broader partnership of ERCI clusters with technology institutes and high-tech companies across Europe. The aim of the project is to identify companies with modern technologies (artificial intelligence, cyber security, ICT and others) that can be applied in the railway sector and form partnerships of manufacturing companies with high-tech companies to accelerate the transfer and application of these technologies. The project is currently in the preparatory phase, and a review of cluster member companies will follow to identify problems that new technologies can solve.

Companies seeking to develop new technologies for railway applications may later join the project.

Both S-ACCESS and STARS will last for 3 years, so more intensive activities and benefits for Cluster members will follow in the coming period.


SMART 2M project

This project, funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), is being implemented in consortium with a total of 4 European universities and 5 business associations and companies. The aim of the project is to educate and train current and graduate students and employees in companies to use innovative smart manufacturing processes in manufacturing companies in the metal and machine sectors that belong to the railway, automotive and aero industries.

The project will last for two years and will have a series of educational conferences, trainings and schools to which members of the Rail Cluster SEE will be invited to send their managers and employees, but also to present some of their innovative solutions.