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Belgrade, 03/09/2014

Green jobs – chance for Serbia

Latest data says that only 9.9% of waste in Serbia is recycled in industry. Development of recycling industry is great chance for economic growth of the country and reducing unemployment.

The recycling industry in Serbia is not enough developed, but still it is a serious chance for resolving many economic and social challenges.
Main reasons for this are:

  • – Unfinished regulation in the ecology and recycling area
  • – Ecological laws are uncoordinated with some economy and social laws
  • – Lack of recycling technologies and human resources in this industry
  • – The people in Serbia still has low level of recycling awareness and culture
  • – Unemployed people in Serbia think that recycling jobs are dirty and hard jobs and they don’t recognize this kind of jobs as lucrative or well paid


Business Support Network shall promote green jobs as a developing chance of Serbia and educate the public in Serbia to the importance of creating quality regulation for recycling industry and then implementing it in everyday practice.